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October 09, 2011

Chapter 1.7: The Big One

"Mom! That hurts!" squealed Adeline.

"Sticks and stones may break your bones but goose feathers definitely will not!" She said as she slammed a pillow onto her daughter's behind.

"Foolish children." Anthony muttered as he listened to the squeals and giggles of his mother and sister.

"Peapea!" Bridget cried. She loved her doll and if she could talk, she would beg her parents to make it real.

Brandon also received a special toy from a distant uncle.

Unlike Anthony and Adeline, Lucie and David somehow found the time to teach their younger set of twins the skills they could never teach A & A.

"That's probably just my boss. Not important. Remember, Brandon, you must put one leg forward before you put the other one." David directed.

"And Daddy took Mommy on a date the night we made you and Brandon. We had sooo much fun, but you wouldn't understand it at your age!"

"You're almost there, son. Just remember you don't walk with two legs at a time. That's just strange."

"You're doing it! C'mon, princess, you're almost there!"

"You did it, Bridget!"

And soon enough, it was time for the twins' birthday again, although this time, they were having a proper family birthday.

Brandon grew up to have the inappropriate trait, which is quite appropriate for this picture.

"Alright, princess, it's your turn."

As David went to put Bridget down on the floor to transition into a child, a mysterious red flame broke out.

"WHOOOOO!" Lucie yelled. She stopped, stared, and froze.

"What the hell..." whispered Adeline.

But Brandon continued to eat his birthday cake.

"BRANDON WINTERGREEN, get out of that chair right now!" Lucie screamed.

The older twins began screaming, flailing their arms wildly in the air.

"David, hurry! Take Bridget outside!" said Lucie frantically.

"Baby, I love you." David said as he ran past her.

"Mom, what's going on? Why did the birthday cake set on fire?" Adeline cried.

"Nooo, I'm too young to die!" cried Anthony, "The heavens have not yet befitted me with the golden crown that will someday rule Sunset Valley!"

"Children, do not panic. I will call the fire department. Actually, all of us will call the fire department. Now!" Lucie ordered.

Brandon merely finished his cake and decided to take the plate to the bathroom sink.

Hmm...what is up with my brother? Adeline thought to herself.

"Alright, let's get out of here!" Lucie shouted.

But minutes later, David ran inside to save his youngest son. "Brandon, quickly go outside to help watch your sister while your brother and I deal with this."

But he stayed put.

But nobody could help it and everyone ran back inside to watch the exploding fire spread like a wildfire in a forest. David and Lucie tried to put up a brave front but secretly, each individual thought that all was lost. They had worked hard for nothing. They raised four beautiful children for nothing. There was going to be nothing left. All those hours and promotions didn't matter. At least they were safe.

Bridget was left alone outside with her doll, forgotten by the screaming cries coming from inside her house.

Finally, the fire was put out by early morning with the help of three firefighters.

"Guys, you should really be careful about the risk you've put your children into. I mean, what birthday cake causes such a huge fire anyway? What was there, wood in that cake? Seriously. Watch yourselves." the firefighter warned Lucie and David.

Lucie and David were upset at the unorganized chaos that had fallen upon their household, and Adeline couldn't help but notice...

"Ant, where is Brandon? And is it me or did he have no reaction to the fire at all?" 

"Dear sister, we are alive! The heavens have spared me! My life has been changed dramatically and I am now turning over a new leaf for Sunset Valley has not seen my..." Anthony's voice faded.

Adeline tiptoed to Anthony and Brandon's room to find Brandon asleep on Anthony's bed.


And Bridget grew up alone and developed the unlucky trait. Once again, how appropriate.

I wonder what happened!

September 28, 2011

Chapter 1.6: Meeting the Family

In the last chapter, Adeline brought a male classmate home from school (Caleb), much to Anthony's and her parents' dismay. David finally got promoted to mid-level in his career, Lucie went back to work, but finances were still tighter than ever.

"Where are we going, Dad?" Adeline asked.

"We're going to Nanna's. By the way, we'll have to change into our formalwear. She prefers that."

"Dad, you didn't tell us that! I don't have my dress!" Adeline groaned.

"Father, my way of dressing always has me prepared for any unexpected situation. I'm quite alright." Anthony said.

"It's okay. I brought your outfits for both of you. Just change before you go into the house."

Dad always has the answers.

"Is that...Nanna's?" Adeline's mouth formed a O.

"Yes, that's the house I grew up in." replied David.

"Bloody blasphemy! Father, why do we not live there!" Anthony exasperated.

David laughed. "Your mother's brothers left her our house. It's the only reminder she has of her family."

"So let's leave my mother and move back in. Can you believe it, sister, this could've been ours!"

"Well, I kind of like Mom's house. It's cozy." Adeline chimed.

"Hurry up and change in the garage and then go say hello to Nanna. She doesn't like to be kept waiting." David ordered.

"Did you meet Nanna yet?" David asked Adeline after he walked in the front door.

"No...I'm scared, Dad. Is she scary?"

"Of course she isn't scary! C'mon, princess. Let's go together." David laughed.

"I see you've brought my grandchildren to finally visit me." Nanna remarked.

"Sorry, Ma, it's just that you didn't like Lucie, so I figured..."

"You figured what? That I wouldn't want to meet my grandchildren? They're still my blood, are they not?"

"I'm Laila. Laila Lee. So you're that poor cousin I have." Her jaw clenched.

"Yeah, I'm Adeline-"

"Don't worry. I know who you are. You stole Mother from me." she condemned.

"I...I'm sorry. She's just over a lot because my mom and dad are really busy and it's just that we-we need help taking care of the twins..." Adeline faltered.

"Shut. Up."


"Anthony. I'm old, not deaf." Nanna chided.

"Alright, what do you say to the proposition that I move in to take care of you in your elderly state? Just in advance, would you happen to have a large spare room for me?"

"Oh, llama. David, is this your son?"

"-and all I hear is Adeline, Adeline, Adeline! Anthony, Anthony, Anthony! They are soooo adorable! They have the chubbiest cheeks and the biggest smiles! Aunt Lucie is pregnant again! Brandon, Brandon, Brandon! Bridget, Bridget, Bridget! They are soooo adorable! Their whole family is just. SO. ADORABLE!"

"Ohmigosh, Laila, I'm sorry. I didn't realize-"

"And the adorable Adeline is speaking! Thank the llama I finally got to meet her!"

"LAILA. Is that what they teach you at Smugglesworth? And you, Adeline, get over here." Nanna interjected.

"Sorry, Nanna. Didn't see you." Laila mumbled.

"Adeline, another beautiful, adorable granddaughter." Nannay smiled sweetly.

"Nanna." Adeline greeted.

"What's your favorite color, Adeline?"

"Lavender. I really like lavender."

"Ah, good. I'll remember to get you lavender colored clothes for your birthday."

Speaking of birthdays, time had passed by so quickly that nobody noticed that Brandon and Bridget had grown up. And they had turned out to be the spitting image of A & A and just soooo adorable.

September 15, 2011

Chapter 1.5: New Friends & Back to Work

In the last chapter, Anthony and Adeline grew up into children and moved out of the nursery. They attended their first day of school. 


"Another long, exhausting day at work, Anthony. You'll understand in a few years, my boy... Wait a minute. You're not my son. Who ARE you?"

"I'm Caleb Summers, sir. Adeline invited me over today." the boy introduced.

"And it's so much fun! You should join us in our ballet production."

"Hmm...I'll think about it, Caleb."

"Sweet Anthony, I mean Brandon. Hi, Brandon. Brandon, Bridget. Brandon, Bridget. NOT Anthony, NOT Adeline." Lucie muttered to herself. "Oh, I'm going crazy from this. Where's Marilyn?"

"Well, hello. Who's this?" Lucie said as she took Bridget out for a walk to the living room.

Don't freak out, Mom. Don't freak out. "Mom, this is Caleb. I met him at school today."

Lucie took a deep breath."Okay, honey. Give me a moment."

"Hey, Caleb. My mom might think your outfit is a little...too much for her eyes. So she might try to give you a makeover. Don't be offended, okay?" Adeline whispered to her new friend.

"Okay, I'm back!!!" Lucie made her second grand entrance of the day. "Does your mother open her eyes when she dressed you for school today? I'm going to transform you to the heartthr-- to the kind boy your mother would appreciate." She smiled.

"Well! This is perfect!" Lucie exclaimed after she was done with her makeover.

"Mom...that's a little..." Adeline hesitated.

"It's perfectly fine for the boys who want to come visit our daughters. We just want to stay a bit more conservative, don't we, Caleb?"

"Mrs. Wintergreen, I can't really...breathe..."

"Mom! Change it!" Adeline cried.

"Oh, alright. This is better anyway, I guess. Just never take that sweater off, Caleb. We don't want to see any more than we have to, alright, honey?"

"I'm only a kid but yes, ma'am."

Lucie was so happy with her new creation.

"Would you like to sleepover tonight?" asked Adeline.


"AUGHHH! Bridget, you give me no peace and quiet!" the young Wintergreen bellowed.

"Anthony Wintergreen, we have a guest! Please be on good behavior." Lucie ordered as she took care of Bridget.

"Who are you?!" Anthony screeched after his mother left.

"I'm Caleb. You're Adeline's twin brother! Wow, what's it like to be the brother of someone so popular?"

Anthony sneered. "Stay away from my sister. And my family."

So poor Caleb spent the rest of the night (into morning) in the guest bathroom of the Wintergreen household. Good thing he had a toy to keep him company.

"Darling, I'm off to the suffocating Doo Peas Towers for my new mid-level position." David announced.

"Have a good day at work, hon." Lucie was too busy taking care of the garden that predated her four children.

This house is a dump. Party animals, thought Robin the maid.

"That's a nice place," Lucie murmured to herself, "That's where they'll do the scouting?" Lucie signed the twins up for afterschool activities.

And who slept in that bed yesterday. It's a mess.

It's back to work for Lucie! Why can't we afford a car. It doesn't make a good impression when I bike to my makeovers!

Her phone rang. "Yes?...Oh, I'm sorry to hear that...Okay, we'll meet another day." Something had come up and her client left her in the middle of an unknown neighborhood.

This is an interesting place to live. Every house looks the same, even the garden! Wonder what made them choose to live here.

Wait, isn't that...wasn't that my client in the limo that just passed me? Did he see me? How embarrassing!